TIKTOK Summer Dance Scholarship! DETAILS HERE!

Thanks for your interest in our 2021 Summer Dance Scholarship contest via TikTok.
(Click here for the post you need to STITCH!)

Click to visit TikTok @baaofnyc

⭐️ Contest rules:

Contest is open to advanced dancers. In order to be considered, candidates must:

  1. Follow Broadway Artists Alliance (@baaofnyc) via TIKTOK and INSTAGRAM
  2. STITCH our Summer Dance Scholarship Tiktok video, with a video showing a short choreography of their choice. This choreography can be all your own and must include at least:
    1. A battement
    2. A double pirouette (or more)
    3. A grand jete (or your favorite leap / jump / trick)
  3. You can choose your favorite music, get inspired and tell us a story.
  4. STITCH your video via TikTok by Sunday, May 23rd. There’s no cost to submit!

The video must be an INDIVIDUAL DANCE PERFORMANCE (no  group dances accepted), with NO EDITS (single shot, no cuts). Choreography must be posted in a single TikTok (no second part!). There are no specifics on length (up to you!). You can add as many additional moves as you wish, and choreograph them in whichever order fits best to tell a story.

If you want to read more regarding what we look for in BAA Dance Majors, click here!

⭐️ Winner selection:

The BAA team will select and contact a set of finalists from all original videos submitted, to confirm their commitment to the award. These videos will be reviewed by the Broadway Artists Alliance Broadway dance faculty, evaluating technique, flexibility, characterization, style and musicality.

A winner will be selected by the end of May. Winner must confirm acceptance of the prize by May 31st, 2021 and complete the BAA Online Application ($25 fee) before final registration to the Summer Session Five Summer Intensive in NYC!

⭐️ The prize:

A full tuition scholarship to BAA’s 2021 Summer Session Five as a Dance Major. BAA will offer admission to one (1) winner based on our Broadway Faculty review of their submitted choreography (see details above!) Winner will receive admission as a Dance Major to the in-person Summer Session Five in New York City, which takes place from August 10th-14th, 2021 in New York City.

Please note that the award covers full tuition only, and not any travel, lodging or per-diem. Is up to the winner to cover all related travel and lodging costs. If winner is under 18 years of age, parent and/or legal guardian needs to confirm acceptance as well.

To check the dates, sample schedules and activities of BAA Summer Intensives, please click here!

If you have any additional questions, please let us know via masterclass@broadwayartistsalliance.org


Posted on: May 14, 2021 | Author: Schehe
Categories: Blog