EARLY TUITION DEADLINE has been moved to May 26th! All BAA Summer Programs will now have the early tuition pricing as the definite price!


We hope you are doing well. Today, April 23rd, the date originally scheduled for our early tuition deadline, we made a special announcement: we have decided to move our early tuition deadline to TUESDAY, MAY 26th, the same date as our final summer registration deadline. This means that the definite pricing of all Summer 2020 Intensives will now be the early tuition price!

To check what the deduced final tuition for all 2020 Summer intensives is, please visit our Tuition Cost page at: https://broadwayartistsalliance.org/tuition-housing/tuition-costs/

For any questions, please send us an email to masterclass@broadwayartistsalliance.org

Check out our social media announcement below!

Jennifer Johns, and the BAA Family

Posted on: April 23, 2020 | Author: Schehe
Categories: Blog